Friday, December 28, 2012

Less than 24 Hours Left!

Free! Free! Free!

Just another reminder that THE NEW GIRL WHO FOUND A DEAD BODY is FREE on Amazon Kindle for less than 24 hours in the name of the holiday season and giving back to my fans! If you enjoy a good YA mystery, download it! Even if you don''s free, so check it out and see what you think!

You know you want to check it out! So, go and get it by clicking here to go to the book's Amazon page!!!

About the book:

If you're a fan of RL Stine, Stephen King, or Christopher Pike check out this book!

Chloe is excited about spending her senior year of high school in California with her friend Jake's family. Even the usual dread of being the new girl can't bring her down. That is, until she stumbles across the dead body of the most popular girl in school, Lora Kelly. Now she's receiving threatening notes...will she be next?

Everyone is a suspect. There's her childhood friend Jake, who she's known forever and there's his girlfriend, Kate, who is insanely jealous of any girl in Jake's vicinity. Or is it Grey, the mysterious, handsome, and arrogant rich boy who has a passion for photography and Chloe is already falling for? Chloe doesn't know who to trust and time is running out before the killer strikes again...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Holidays! FREE EBOOK Alert!

Free! Free! Free! For three days only!

Happy Holidays to everyone! I know that technically Christmas is over, but the fun should just keep going, so for the next three days, I'm making my ebook THE NEW GIRL WHO FOUND A DEAD BODY FREE on Amazon Kindle!!!!

Get your copy here!

Here's what it's about:

Chloe is excited about spending her senior year of high school in California with her friend Jake's family. Even the usual dread of being the new girl can't bring her down. That is, until she stumbles across the dead body of the most popular girl in school, Lora Kelly. Now she's receiving threatening notes...will she be next?

Everyone is a suspect. There's her childhood friend Jake, who she's known forever and there's his girlfriend, Kate, who is insanely jealous of any girl in Jake's vicinity. Or is it Grey, the mysterious, handsome, and arrogant rich boy who has a passion for photography and Chloe is already falling for? Chloe doesn't know who to trust and time is running out before the killer strikes again...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Best Gifts For My Book Characters! Happy Holidays!

The Christmas Ficus

I've been doing a lot of holiday shopping and it just got me thinking - what would I get the main characters in my books (if they were real) for Christmas? 

Here's the gifts I've come up with:
  • KAIT LENOX from Adventures in Funeral Crashing (Funeral Crashing Series): (This book is still FREE btw!) I have a couple of ideas for Kait. If I went movies/TV: Harold and Maude (about death and funerals, yet funny) or Veronica Mars Season 1 (snarky teen sleuth). If I went books: Size 12 Isn't Fat by Meg Cabot or One For The Money by Janet Evanovich (both funny mysteries). Or if I went clothes, a cute shirt from Forever 21 (that she'd be able to wear to look cute for Ethan).
  • CHLOE from The New Girl Who Found A Dead Body (The New Girl Who Series) : Since she wants to work in the movie industry after college, I have a couple of ideas in that vein. Either some great movies (whatever caught my eye) or a book about screenwriting called Save The Cat or the book Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez (about how at 23 with $7000 he made a movie and became a successful filmmaker) - both in the hopes that they'd inspire her to pursue her dreams even if murder mysteries continue to haunt her!
  • CITRUS LEAHY from Doppelganger (The Doppelgangers Series): I'd definitely get Citrus books because she loves to read! Some thoughts are Divergent by Veronica Roth to Easy by Tamarra Webber. Citrus reads everything so I could probably get her almost any book. Although, if I wanted to be helpful in her current Doppelganger situation, I might get her some movies, like: The Faculty or Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Disturbing Behavior or the TV series Roswell.
  • DREW from Connected (A Paranormal Romance): He's tough, but then again the guys in my life are always the hardest to buy for, in general. Maybe music or movies or books or a video game. He's pretty soulful. Maybe an itunes gift card. That would be the easiest. If I went books, I'd probably get him something like Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card or a book by Neal Stephenson. Or, a gift card to Urban Outfitters for some clothes.
That's my list so far! Wow, now I feel pressure to go do some more shopping! Happy Holidays everyone! And, happy shopping! Only 4 days left!  

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Connected (A Paranormal Romance) is NOW Available As a Paperback Book

Great news for all of you who don't have ereaders or just like physical books! Connected (A Paranormal Romance) is now available for purchase as a paperback book! Check Connected (A Paranormal Romance) out on Amazon! It's also available on Barnes & Noble and Createspace and other retailers! Just search my name - Milda Harris - or the book to find it!

What's it like? Well, it's similar to The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold as far as topic or Ghost Girl by Tonya Hurley as far as being about a ghost and the afterlife mixed with real life. Other than that it's not quite like anything I've read yet - it's a mix of mystery, romance, and science fiction. There's topics addressed like the afterlife, being a ghost, losing someone you love, and there's learning about life and death and what's in between. 

Here's a synopsis: Drew's only memory of his life is the moment of his death. Leaving his life and memories behind, Drew thinks that he is on his way to heaven as he follows the pull of fate. Instead, he finds himself witnessing the birth of a baby girl, Aurora. He immediately feels a strong connection to her. Thus, Drew becomes an invisible observer of her world as a ghost and Aurora becomes haunted by him.

Check out the cool book cover design done by Brett Gilbert!!!:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sometimes Life's Like A Movie

My dog Licorice approves this blog post. (This is her as a puppy at the shelter! Cute, right?)

I have a silly blog called Life's Like A Movie. I just thought I'd write a quick post about it because I'm about to start back blogging on it regularly. Basically, the premise is my dog Licorice and I show you how life's sometimes like a movie. In addition to loving and writing books, I love movies too!  Sometimes the blogs are real, sometimes they're set-up, but they're all in good fun! 

Check out my latest post - Life's Like National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

Happy reading! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Top 10 List! Top 10 Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me (Hint, hint, hint!)!

Happy holidays from my dog Licorice! She enjoys decorating Christmas trees if you can't tell!

It's that time of year again - the holidays are rapidly approaching! And, well, you MUST make a list to Santa! 

Check out the full list of my Top 10 Books That I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me on my blog Writer Girl in LA! Top 10 Tuesday is an internet meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and I try to participate every Tuesday!

Here's 3 of the books off my list: 

1.The Iron King  by Julie Kagawa - I am so behind on reading...because I'm writing! I REALLY, really want to read this book! I started another series of hers in the meantime, which I am really liking!

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare - So many people have told me to read Cassandra Clare. I must read this book!!!!!

Divergent by Veronica Roth - Another book I have to read. I loved The Hunger Games and I hear this is similar and totally great! Can't wait!

Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout - When I started researching how to market my book Doppelganger I came across this book (as being kind of similar). They're definitely different, but I now really want to read this book - sounds interesting!

Okay, make that four books, but I want all of them!!!!! Make sure to check out the full post on my blog Writer Girl in LA: Top 10 Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me! What books are on your list????