Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Writing Process (With Pictures!)

Little Milda writes. I started young.

Thanks to Christina Daley for tagging me in this awesome blog hop (and find her on Twitter @cdaleywrite). 

Now for the Q&A: 

What am I working on?

Um...surviving twins!

My baby twins love to dance the night away...aka wake me up every chance they get!

Lol! And while that's true enough I am writing every spare minute I find! Appropriately, I just wrapped up a paranormal romance/ scifi romance book Doppelganger 2: On The Run which is available now for pre-order on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo for a discounted price of $0.99. I am still doing a little work on alternate scenes from Aedan's and Doppel-Aedan's POV from that series to put in a final collection of the trilogy.

So excited to finally release Doppelganger 2!
Otherwise, I'm also writing two other books. I'm outlining Doppelganger 3. I normally don't outline since I'm a pantser (write by the seat of my pants!), but the Doppelganger series is so intricate that I think an outline will help me keep it straight. I'm also adding to a novel I wrote a few years ago for the 3 Day Novel Contest.  I'm tentatively calling it Crashing Prom and it's a new adult Romantic Comedy/ Chick Lit book, but it will probably be called something a little different eventually since I already have a YA book called Adventures in Funeral Crashing. The general idea: A twenty something year old girl gets dumped and decides that regrets aren't worth it. So, she faces her biggest regret, which was not going to prom in high school...and it goes from there! 

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Well, my genres are all over the place, but I tend to write about topics that aren't overwritten like funeral crashing and doppelgangers.

The only other funeral crashing story I can think of might be Harold and Maude and that's a movie.
I like having an interesting twist to my books. It's usually what makes me want to write a novel. So, yeah, I grab that one interesting thing and write away!  

Why do I write what I do?

I write what inspires me and what I read. I've always loved YA horror and mystery, so I write those. I also love chick lit, so many of my characters tend to have a chick lit voice and there's always romance in my books.

I love love. Sigh. Romance.

How does your writing process work?

Well, it starts with coffee...

Lots and lots and lots of coffee.

Then I turn on my computer, stare at it, and then I procrastinate on the internet because I don't know what to write next.

Internet surfing rocks as a procrastination method!!!!

And finally, I start writing and try and type away for as long as I can. I'm a pantser for the most part (although I do have plot points I'm trying to hit), so I just write, write, write! Then when I get stuck, I procrastinate again (eat lunch, play with dog, call friends, the options are endless!) and the circle continues.

And that's my writing process! Now, meet another writer!


Annie is the mother of the three most adorable girls in the world, has the best husband in the world, and lives in the hottest place in the world (not really, but Phoenix sure feels like it). She is the author of The Burn trilogy, Bound, and Dragon Sister.

Check out her WEBSITE

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Doppelganger 2: On The Run Pre-Order

Doppelganger 2: On The Run Pre-Order Update!

Here are ALL of the links for where to pre-order the ebook of Doppelganger 2: On The Run for $0.99 cents! The price will go up on the release date of June 27th, 2014 to its regular price of $2.99!

Apple Itunes Ibooks:
Barnes & Noble Nook Books:
Smashwords (all ebook formats!):
Amazon Kindle Ebooks: the book will be up on June 27th, 2014 and it will be available for 99 cents for TWO DAYS - Friday June 27th and Saturday June 28th since I'm unable to do an official pre-order with Amazon, so if you want the book put the date in your calendar or set an alert to remind you!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Doppelganger 2: On The Run is NOW Available on Barnes & Noble!

Doppelganger 2: On The Run Pre-Order Update - AVAILABLE ON BARNES AND NOBLE for NOOK!

Doppelganger 2: On The Run is now available to pre-order on Barnes And Noble for Nook:

Here are the other links for where to pre-order the ebook of Doppelganger 2: On The Run for $0.99 cents! The price will go up on the release date of June 27th, 2014 to its regular price of $2.99!

Smashwords (all ebook formats!):
Amazon Kindle Ebooks: the book will be up on June 27th, 2014 and it will be available for 99 cents for TWO DAYS - Friday June 27th and Saturday June 28th since I'm unable to do an official pre-order with Amazon, so if you want the book put the date in your calendar or set an alert to remind you!
Others: I'm still waiting on links for Sony Kobo books. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Doppelganger 2: On The Run NOW available on iTunes!

Doppelganger 2: On The Run Pre-Order Update - AVAILABLE ON iTUNES!

Doppelganger 2: On The Run is now available to pre-order on iTunes for ibooks:

Here are the other links for where to pre-order the ebook of Doppelganger 2: On The Run for $0.99 cents! The price will go up on the release date of June 27th, 2014 to its regular price of $2.99!

Smashwords (all ebook formats!):
Amazon Kindle Ebooks: the book will be up on June 27th, 2014 and it will be available for 99 cents for TWO DAYS - Friday June 27th and Saturday June 28th since I'm unable to do an official pre-order with Amazon, so if you want the book put the date in your calendar or set an alert to remind you!
Others: I'm still waiting on links for Barnes & Noble Nook and Sony Kobo books. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Doppelganger 2: On The Run Cover Reveal & Pre-Order Info!

Pretty great cover for Doppelganger 2: On The Run, right? I'm super happy with it! It's got the two Aedan's on the cover and the girl torn between them! Yay, book boyfriends!


Doppelganger 2: On The Run is available for pre-order! It is NOW available on Smashwords and it will be available on Itunes, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo within the week (links will be live on this blog once they become available too). The book is at a discounted price if your pre-order! The normal price is going to be $2.99, but if you pre-order it is only $0.99 cents!  That means that you can have both books for LESS than the price of book #2! You know you want to read it! The release date is now June 27th, 2014. Until then, 20% of the book is available to read for FREE if you check out the pre-order page! 

Wait. What about Amazon? Well, the book will not be available to pre-order on Amazon, BUT it will be available to buy on on June 27, 2014 and to be fair I will make the book $0.99 cents for two days - FRIDAY June 27th and SATURDAY June 28th. Write it on your calendars! Set an alert! 

Need more than just the cover to convince you to pre-order? Here's the synopsis:
Doppelganger 2: On The Run (The Doppelgangers Paranormal Romance Trilogy #2)


Citrus Leahy is on the run from doppelgangers! Now she and a group of teenagers whose lives have also been taken over have to figure out how to stay hidden. The doppelgangers could be anywhere or anyone. Her crush Aedan makes her feel safe except that he keeps reminding her of the guy she left behind...his doppelganger! Citrus also can't forget that the doppelgangers have her mother, but she has no idea how to save her when their group is barely saving themselves. It seems like the doppelgangers are always hot on their trail and there's danger around every corner, maybe even from within.

And don't forget to check out an excerpt from Doppelganger 2: On The Run from my May 1st blog!

Other than that check back next week for MORE Doppelganger 2 news! There will be something every week until the book releases!

One last thing! Here's Doppelganger (#1)'s cover if you want to compare the two!

 Doppelganger (#1)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Excerpt from Doppelganger 2: On the Run!!!!!

The Cover Reveal for Doppelganger 2: On The Run is next week! So check back for it!
This week I'm revealing an excerpt from Doppelganger 2: On the Run which will be out on June 27th, 2014. The pre-order begins May14th, 2014 (had to push it back a little!) and I'll tell you more about that next week. There will be a discounted price if you pre-order! Next week I will also reveal the book cover! EXCITING!

Ok, ready, set, excerpt!!!!!!


My mind went back to Aedan, the doppelganger. He and Finn looked so alike. I had to shake that kiss off. It didn't mean anything. I'd never see Aedan again. That was a good thing. I had to believe that. He was with the doppelgangers after all and I never wanted to see them again. Still, it wasn't so easy to forget that kiss. I knew it had only been a day, but I could almost still feel his lips on mine. My stomach did flips at the thought. I squashed them. I just had to remember that he and Finn were not one and the same. Aedan was a doppelganger. He was not my crush. Not really. Finn was the guy I liked and as much as I hated to admit it, I barely knew Finn. Most importantly, Finn and I would never share a kiss. He had a girlfriend. Sure, he might never see her again, but that didn't matter at the moment.

            I turned the radio up a little louder. It was a song by Lady Gaga and I liked it. I also needed to be distracted from my thoughts. I started singing along to the song in my head. There was no way I was going to sing out loud and embarrass myself in front of the others, but I needed something to make me stop thinking about Finn and Aedan and doppelgangers. The doppelgangers. My hands started shaking again. I tried to regain control. I could not think about them. Well, I couldn't not think about them either, but I could try to distract myself. It was better that I think about Aedan and Finn or better yet Lady Gaga and the song on the radio.

            I stared ahead at the road. The song changed. I didn't know the song so I couldn't sing along. I forced myself to listen to the words as a distraction. It was a love song. I tried not to look back at Finn. I focused on the road. It was never ending. I looked at the clock. Two hours left driving. I could make it. The song changed to one I knew. I sang along to the song on the radio under my breath. Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay awake and don't think about doppelgangers.

            That was when I saw the flashing red lights behind me. Adrenaline flooded my body. Suddenly being awake wasn't a problem.